x86 64bit ASM Chess Engine

- 1 min

During my third semester at university, we were challenged to create an engine capable of playing some popular board or card game. This as of itself sounds relatively simple, however, the catch was that we had to go completely old school. The game engine had to be written completely in x86 assembly.

Me, being the competitive and overly optimistic person that I am, decided that I was going tro write a chess engine. This proved to be quite challenging for a sophomore and many late nights ensured. However, in the end, I managed to pull it off and thanks to this little project I got fairly comfortable with writing code in pure assembly.

I also made a simple GUI in C, using GTK. The following gif shows the NegaMax based AI in action! alt tag

PS: This is a fairly old project, however it’s one I still felt worth making an entry for.

Take a look at the source here.

If you need some help or want to add something, just tell me.

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